Born at Home — A Beautiful Second Time Home Birth in Indianapolis, Indiana
Attending Ash’s birth in the summer of 2020 was more than special for me with this family. They may even look familiar to you — I was their birth photographer for their first child’s birth, Ayla, back in 2018 — unbelievably nearly four years ago this year! She was actually born on Thanksgiving Day, and I still remember answering Alyce’s call… “Hey, umm, Happy Thanksgiving. My water broke.”
Peep Ayla’s birth photo below. She had the most beautiful eyes at birth. Still does :)
Read about Ayla’s Birth here.
I got the call that Alyce was in labor with Ash one early summer morning and immediately hit the interstate towards their home. Based upon her previous birthing experience with Ayla, I knew things would probably progress REALLY, really fast. Sure enough, when I arrived, Alyce was already pushing! I had my camera half-out and started snapping as fast as I could. I did not want miss the moment of Ash’s birth. From there, he fully emerged as Alyce pulled him to her chest. It was a joyous and breathtaking meeting. Soaking in the newness of Ash, and with the help from her husband Scott, Alyce began helping her babe find the breast immediately. It was so serene. Soon after her placenta delivered and a meal was prepared and given, Ayla had woken up to met her baby brother. She wasn’t as thrilled as everyone else about seeing her brother earthside, and was more confused about different people in her home. But, when I went back for their newborn session, Ayla had fully warmed up to the idea of having a new little one in the household! She had the perfect balance from loving on her sweet baby brother, to deciding it was time to do her own thing like maybe read some books, or play in her sensory bin.
Needless to say, Alyce experienced yet another quick birth with Ash, but it was nothing short of magical! I am so, so grateful to have been invited to into the birthing space for both of this family’s birthing experiences!